
In shadowed mood, I river-walk
see heron in the gloaming-light,
and deer that shyly peer, then sprint
in white-flashed flight to rock-strewn beach.

Is this happiness, or calm release
of anger stored, of finding peace
in the susurrous wind sighs–
a promise, hope’s rise.

Lillian has asked us to use the word happy–or some form of it–in a quadrille for dVerse. It usually makes me feel better when I take a walk, and especially if I see “my” heron or some deer.

77 thoughts on “Serenity

  1. The things you see on your walks, Merril, beautifully captured in poem and photos. I love the internal rhyme of ‘deer that shyly peer’, it made me smile.

  2. Love the sound when I read these words aloud:
    “finding peace
    in the susurrous wind sighs–
    a promise, hope’s rise.
    I do almost always feel that a sojourn in nature can bring blissful happiness….a kind of calm that seems to be missing often in everyday life. Enjoyed this very much!

  3. I love this piece so much. You had me at the first line!

    Serenity can be found in nature, and it’s almost like meditation when we let go and just immerse ourselves in it. It can definitely be freeing. Beautifully written!

  4. Let’s hear it for “hope rising”. In Japan, folks pay to get a Forest Bath, a trek into the woods to recharge, and recalibrate; works for me.

  5. Your morning walks must always be some sort of source of happiness. How can they not?
    You stop and see the beauty in whatever shape or form. Always lovely

  6. Nature has a way of restoring our “balance wheel” when all else seems a bit much. Your poem and your photographs are a welcome breath of fresh sir!

  7. Sigh … this is incredibly tranquil and serene. 💝 I have been admiring your photographs on both Facebook and Instagram 🙂 Nature has a way of restoring peace back into the soul.

  8. Lovely verse, with that easing assonance in the last lines. + a great photo of ‘your’ deer across from the factory (our deer come down the rail lines from the coal mines at night and feed around the steelworks) – nature (or deer-ness at least) is irrepressible isn’t it?

    • Thank you very much. The park is right across the river from Philadelphia, airport and shipyard I think that’s the shipyard in the background, but it could be some tall buildings. It’s not a great quality photo. 😀 But yes, nature is very adapatable.

  9. Love that white-flashed flight, Merril. Spotted one just outside the window yesterday morning & I think she potted me, too, stepping up to get a better look, so all I got was tailflash.

    Well done.

  10. I love this moment of serenity, and how you’ve woven your 44 words into a beautiful rhythmical metre, gentle like a walk in nature. I also love the use of compound words, they work so well here.

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