Dreams, Again (Again)

Monday Morning Musings:

“We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives inside the dream.”

. . .Who is the dreamer?”

Twin Peaks, Season 3, Episode 14, From Gordon Cole’s dream


In my dream, I was me, but different

and you were someone else, but you,

together, we were other beings, ourselves, but not–

or were we?

If we lived in that dream world

would we long for a more stable world

where we were people,

bound by time,

not creatures of space,

carried on the slipstream of light waves


We drink wine

talk about the past

think about the future,

the musicians sing

Rocket Man and Major Tom floating in his tin can

his dreams, our dreams

blowing spindrift from space

landing, covering our minds



We celebrate a friend’s retirement

(from teaching, not the world)

his mother says to me she’s happy he’s retiring now

he can still enjoy it

they can travel

live a dream.

we talk with friends we haven’t seen in a while

past, present, and future–

tenses merging together–

remember when I saw you last,

here, but then

(this was the future)

marriages, births, and death–

dreams born and died

or perhaps still floating

drifting from the stars

in tin cans

on waves



We go to a movie

two strangers meet–

a woman who feels she must care for her mother

a man who feels stuck waiting for his father to recover or die

they discuss architecture

and the film lingers on the jewels of Columbus, Indiana

framing the characters in doorways and through windows

it is a movie in which marginalia assumes importance,

just as those asides are often important in lives,

the chance encounters,

the remarks remembered,

the dreams dreamed,

and set aside

we discuss the movie over coffee,

walk through the streets

and down to the river,

where people walk, living dreams,

where people once arrived,

full of hope

or full of fear,

tired masses,

spices and slaves,

a new land.


We watch movies,

and when we become involved,

we are the dreamers

experiencing their world

true of books, too,

once I dreamt

(a vivid dream)

I was the character in the book I was reading

I rode a horse

in northern England, centuries ago,

I spoke like I lived there,

it was so real

I was sure I had been there,

perhaps I was.


I had a dream I was me, but different

and you were someone else, but you,

a woman and a man

walk over a bridge

it happens over and over again

different timelines

variations on the theme of life

until they meet,


they share a bottle of wine

the bottle and label are green

like her eyes

(like my eyes)

other beings, ourselves, but not–

or were they?

perhaps, we are inside the dream

we are the dreamers

we are the dream


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© Merril D. Smith, 2017

We saw the movie, Columbus. Trailer here.  The more I think about it, the more I like it. Definitely not an action movie. It’s a quiet poem of a movie.


26 thoughts on “Dreams, Again (Again)

  1. As so often, your ending lines take us back to your openings. Your pieces bear witness to an excellent marital relationship. ‘a movie in which marginalia assumes importance,’ is a clever alliterative line.

  2. Your musings have a dreamy quality today, much like the effect of the slanted rays of the sun on your face and the movie your saw. I too was struck by the same line Derrick noted.

    A quiet post in a noisy world, thank you, Merril!

  3. This is it – exactly. The dream is me, yet it’s not. It’s him, but not really. The dream is in my house, but not my actual house, but in my dream house, which is like my house, but different. On and on. Which one is the dream? Hmmmmmm. Love your dreamy poem.

  4. Dreams hold so much portent and they do seem “real” upon awakening, “but different” too. Perhaps there will always be overlapping time and space between people who may be reincarnated or may be joined in another existence not on earth but again, in our dreams.
    The new friend and the old friend, both in one post, made another connection of dreams to be still ahead.

  5. My comment from last week may be in your spam folder 😦 Derrick said it best, and I see the fun and love in your date nights with your husband. How lovely you are; especially in your first photo! xo

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