Skeleton Trees: Tanka Tuesday

This is for Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge. We were supposed to use synonyms for stark and trap. We’ve had several unseasonable warm days, but now it’s getting colder, and the wind is howling.


Skeleton trees loom

against skies of violet

owl whistles secrets

caught in winter’s gloomy night

I will seek them in spring’s blooms



Georges Daubner, “Paysage d’hiver,”  via Wikimedia Commons







31 thoughts on “Skeleton Trees: Tanka Tuesday

  1. You captured a mood exactly. Inserting the color “violet” in a mostly monochromatic scene did it for me. I guess writing poetry is a counterpoint to the prose you slog through. Your output is amazing!

  2. There’s a mixture in amidst the words (for me, at least.) Secrets and skeleton (in their closets) trees aren’t so good.
    The violet skies are more pleasant than gloomy gray, the hope of Springs ahead and (snowy) owl made me feel a bit cheery, Merril.
    Randy was rather sad, a little overwhelmed yesterday (12/7/17). He’s hopeful this early morning, as they prep him for surgery! I woke up at 4 am to be here as he will go to surgery at 6:30. I was glad he seemed less fatalistic, “everything’s gonna be alright.” 🎶 ❤ I said, “I believe so, too.”
    🕊 Playing catch up and so glad to read your fine writing. . .

  3. Pingback: Colleen’s Weekly #Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge #62: Bells & Past | Colleen Chesebro✨The Fairy Whisperer✨

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