I Watch the Candles Light the Past and Future

Monday Morning Musings:


“History is all about ‘what ifs’”

“It was a long time ago now. And it was yesterday.”

Kate Atkinson, Life After Life

“And while we are playing
The candles are burning low
One for each night, they shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago
One for each night, they shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago”

From the song, “Hanukkah oh Hanukkah” Traditional

And so, again, we celebrate Hanukkah

as the nights grow longer

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the days grow colder

I make soup, bake bread,

time passes, a thread

connecting me to the past


I think of ancestors, steadfast

(I wonder) in determination


to leave the past, a cessation

of persecution, a new life.


We watch Mrs. Maisel, no longer wife

laugh, but still I think of the past


Borscht Belt and women’s rights, she and cast

moving through Paris, the Catskills, New York City


with dazzling designs and dialogue so witty

each episode a Hanukkah present,


and so it goes, we’re content

to pass the Hanukkah nights


watching the candles burn bright

then I fry latkes again

with daughter remembering when

we grated, stirred with spoons


and listened to these tunes–

the maidel with the ladle—


I am happy we’re still able

to be together, to cook


to discuss friends, life, a book

and dance, sing, drink some wine,

eat some donuts, the company is fine–

as are the pets–


an asset to any set,

with tails wagging

they brighten moods flagging,

hers look for scraps on the floor


and bark at any noise at the door,

while mine watch the candles bright

and play with the dreidel in the light.

Generations, birthright, hindsight–


generations, frying latkes in the night

hoping for a miracle and promised lands–


my hands—

reach forward,


toward the unknown, hold present close,

but touch the past.


Still life goes on

as we remember days long ago,


time moves fast, or it goes so slow,

circling, dashing, we travel, with it flow.


Eighth Night of Hanukkah 2018


We’re watching Season Two of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime). Here’s the Season 2 Trailer. For years my daughters and I have listened to an album, A Child’s Hanukkah by the Jewish Wedding Band. Here’s the first song, which includes the phrase “kiss the maidel with the ladle.”


24 thoughts on “I Watch the Candles Light the Past and Future

    • Thank you, Jennifer. The photos of my daughter and me are in my daughter’s kitchen, but the dining room table with the menorahs in the window are at my house. 🙂
      I haven’t quite finished the Kate Atkinson book yet, but I’m really enjoying it!

  1. I need to get Amazon Prime! Wonderful share, once again, Merril! I love how you do this. I know I’m late, the last day of Chanukah has already passed… I see you had a marvellous time!

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