They Sing and Dance Across the Sky


Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night


The stars fill the sky

even when we can’t see them

they shine and sing—


a glowing, tumbling wing

of feathered sounds that swing

across their incandescent surfaces–


this sound, a lover’s soft sigh,

a parent’s croon,

a celestial lullaby


of wonder and why.


This is for dVerse,where De asked us to use the word fill in a quadrille, a poem of exactly 44 words. My first lines came from Jane wondering a few days ago what it would be like to see the stars during the day. I suspect Vincent could hear their songs.









61 thoughts on “They Sing and Dance Across the Sky

  1. I am always amazed at the endlessness of your talents, not just for knowing what things like a quadrille even is, but then to be able to stick to the guidelines and meet the challenge with such panache. Love this! ❤

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